Bank Accounts

List of Bank Account Types in the upSWOT System

The table below offers a list of bank account types used in the upSWOT system. Consider the following constraints when addressing the list:

  • The list is not exhaustive, as additional types may appear with the new integrations.
  • Given account types are used inside the upSWOT system.
  • Given account types are the most common account types used across the US banking system.
  • Any account type not in the list is categorized as Other.


The TypeSystem is a high-level data type category

CreditCards (TypeSystem)

CreditCardCredit CardStandard Credit Card
StoreCardStore CardCan only be used to make purchases in the issuer's (retailer's) store
ChargeCardCharge CardCardholder's purchases are paid by the card issuer
BusinessCardBusiness CardCredit card for business
RewardPointsReward PointsReward points cards
PayPalCardPayPal CardPayPal-issued credit card
OtherCardOther CardOther not categorized

Cash (TypeSystem)

CheckingCheckingChecking account
SavingsSavingsSavings account
CdCertificate of DepositCertificate of deposit account (CD)
PpfPublic Provident FundPublic Provident Fund Account (PPF)
RecurringDepositRecurring DepositRecurring deposit account (RD)
FsaFlexible SpendingFlexible spending account (FSA)
MmdaMoney Market DepositMoney market deposit account (MMDA)
CommuterCommuterCommuter account
HsaHealth SavingsHealth savings account (HSA)
PayPalPayPal DepositoryPayPal depository account
CashManagementCash ManagementCash management account (CMA)
BusinessAccountBusiness AccountBusiness checking bank account
PrepaidDebitCardPrepaid Debit CardPrepaid debit card
EbtElectronic Benefit TransferElectronic benefit transfer account (EBT)
OtherCashOther CashOther account type or unknown account type

Loans (TypeSystem)

MortgageMortgageMortgage loan
InstallmentInstallmentInstallment loan
PersonalLoanPersonal LoanPersonal loan (consumer loan)
HelocHome Equity Line of CreditHome equity line of credit (HELOC)
LineOfCreditLine of CreditLine of credit loan (LOC)
AutoLoanAuto LoanUsed to pay for a vehicle
StudentLoanStudent LoanUsed to pay for post-secondary education and associated fees
HomeLoanHome LoanType of mortgage used specifically to purchase a house
SecuritiesBasedLineOfCreditSecurities Based Line of CreditSecurities-based line of credit (SBLOC)
BusinessLoanBusiness LoanBusiness loan
CashLoanCash LoanCash Loan
CollateralLoanCollateral LoanA loan backed with some asset as collateral
OtherLoanOther LoanOther loan type or unknown loan type

Investments (TypeSystem)

Note, the following list consists of selected types that are most common.

BrokerageCashBrokerage CashCash amount before stripping out items like unsettled trades and collateral
IsaIndividual Savings AccountIndividual savings account (ISA)
CashManageAccountCash Management AccountAllows cash transactions through one portal
MoneyMarketMoney MarketMoney market funds
BrokerageLinkAccountBrokerage Link AccountA brokerage account made available to retirement plan participants in certain retirement plans
IraIndividual Retirement AccountIndividual retirement account (IRA)
EmployeeRetirementAccount401KEmployee Retirement Account 401(k)Standard 401k retirement account (US)
EmployeeRetirementAccount403bEmployee Retirement Account 403(b)Employee retirement savings plan 403b
SimpleIraSIMPLE IRASavings incentive match plan for employees
CorporateInvestmentAccountCorporate Investment AccountUsed to manage (invest) excess funds
RothIraRoth IRAIndividual retirement account for after-tax dollars
RolloverIraRollover IRAUsed to transfer funds from a retirement account, such as a 401(k), into an IRA
SepIraSimplified Employee Pension IRAUsed for simplified contributions toward business owners' and employees' retirement savings
EmployeeRetireAccountRoth401kEmployee Retirement Account Roth 401(k)A tax-advantaged retirement plan offered through your employer

Other (TypeSystem)

OtherAccountsOther AccountsUncategorized account type