Web Component Properties

The table below lists all required and optional properties for Web Component configuration, which should be used in Step 2 of Component integration (as described in How to Integrate Web Components). Different properties may be applicable to different types of Components.

General Component Properties

apistringHost of the deployed upSWOT web application.Yes
authobjectAuthorization parameters such as a list of any parameters for cross-server integration to get the data on the current client (SessionId, Email, etc.).
Upon receiving the authorization parameters, the Component sends all the necessary requests and performs the authorization.
The auth and token properties are mutually exclusive.
Yes (If authorization is performed by the Component)
tokenstringJWT token for authorization.
Upon receiving the JWT directly from the banking app, the Component performs authorization without any additional requests.
The token and auth properties are mutually exclusive.
Yes (If authorization is performed by an external app and a token is passed to the Component)
isDarkThemebooleanIf True, the dark theme is enabled, and the app logos are adjusted accordingly. If False, the dark theme is disabled, and the regular app logos are used.No
localestringLocalization of the Component’s user interface.No

Business Component Properties (optional)

showHeaderIconbooleanIf True, the icon in the Component's header is shown.
If False (default), the icon in the Component's header is hidden.
namestringText in the Component's header.
If empty (default), the default name of the Component is displayed.
hideRefreshDatebooleanIf True, the data refresh status in the Component’s header is hidden.
If False (default), the data refresh status in the Component’s header is displayed.
disableappsbooleanIf True, all the buttons that lead to the App Connector are hidden.
If False (default), all the buttons that lead to the App Connector are displayed.
readonlybooleanIf True, the Component is displayed in read-only mode.
If False (default), the read-only mode is disabled.
demobooleanIf True, the demo mode is enabled, populating the Component with mock data in read-only mode.
If False (default), the demo mode is disabled.
introtextarray of objects
[{"title": string, "text": string, "image": string}]
Customizes the title and text on each intro screen. For example:
[{"title": "Title 1", "text": "Text 1", "image": "Image 1"}, {"title": "Title 2", "text": "Text 2"}, "image": "Image 2"]
introctatextstringCustomizes the call-to-action (CTA) label of the Intro screens' button.

App Connector and Credit Score Connector Properties (optional)

titleTextstringBrief text at the top of the App Connector. If empty (default), Title is not displayed.
In Credit Score Connector - sets the Search Screen title.
subtitleTextstringAdditional text below the title.
In Credit Score Connector - sets the Search Screen title.
If empty (default), Subtitle is not displayed).
(App Connector)
booleanIf True, the Invite button is hidden from the app tiles.
If False (default), the Invite button is displayed on the app tiles, allowing to share the app connection link.
(App Connector)
booleanIf True, the Search bar at the top of the App Connector is hidden.
If False (default), the Search bar at the top of the App Connector is displayed, allowing filtering of apps by app title.
(App Connector)
booleanIf True, the Filter button bar at the top of the App Connector is hidden.
If False (default), the Filter button bar at the top of the App Connector is displayed, allowing filtering of apps by category.
(App Connector)
uuidID of the pool of apps that are available in the App Connector.
If empty (default), the default pool configured in the Admin Panel is used.
{"categoriesIds": [uuid], "servicesIds": [uuid]}
IDs of specific app categories (categoriesIds) and/or apps (servicesIds) to be displayed in the App Connector.
Either array is optional and may be omitted; if both arrays are specified, the App Connector will only display the apps that match both the servicesIds and categoriesIds criteria.
hideSecurityBlockbooleanHide the footer with security information. False by default.
(App Connector)
objectThe Application object stores the company data:
"companyName": "Test Company",
"email": "[email protected] ",
"applicationNumber": "234234234324",
"countryAlpha2Code": "US",
"userExternalId": "1234567890123",
"companyExternalId": "1234567890123123",
"username": "testusername123"
(Credit Score Connector)
booleanIf True, the Back button is displayed in the footer of the App Connector.
If False (default), the Back button in the footer of the App Connector is hidden.
(Credit Score Connector)
booleanHide app connector step. True by default.
(Credit Score Connector)
booleanDisables the "Get Score" button in the app connector step if there is no app connected (means in default pool, the same list in dashboard v3, apps section with status loading and higher) to the account except CORE DATA. True by default.
excludedServicesIdsstringThis property excludes specific services from the service category of the integrations pool to display only those currently available for connecting. A serviceId parameter specifies which service to exclude, and categoryId specifies the service category from which to exclude defined services.
creditBureauIdstringNew external property that defines what credit bureau should be used in search and connect process inside credit score connector. By default, CreditSafe.

Insights Component Properties (optional)

showHeaderIconbooleanIf True, the icon in the Component's header is shown.
If False (default), the icon in the Component's header is hidden.
namestringText in the Component's header.
If empty (default), the default name of the Component is displayed.
readonlybooleanIf True, the Component is displayed in read-only mode.
If False (default), the read-only mode is disabled.
demobooleanIf True, the demo mode is enabled, populating the Component with mock data in read-only mode.
If False (default), the demo mode is disabled.
componentIdsarray of uuidAn array of component IDs for which the insights should be displayed in the list.
By default, it is an empty array, and insights from all components are displayed.
Component IDs:
Accounts: 22e2ec5f-ea14-4cbe-a5bc-1be7df4130a1
Business Valuation: 3a648cb7-55ab-4448-aab1-2403f517538d
Carbon Footprint: 587f0167-ffa2-44b1-b031-a70cda99ef8f
Cash Flow Forecast: 489b61aa-ef28-11ed-86b4-0242ac1e0029
Credit Score: 73f0158c-12c3-4927-b2ad-d79fe91b7473
eCommerce & Sales: 8ad43e89-7c9f-11ee-a77f-0242ac120005
Key Metrics: 4e36abee-33a7-4256-a500-fc6baa11e9a1
Payment Calendar: 43d765e4-397e-4117-ac35-587547b1c38c

Event Handler

To sustain certain background operations, upSWOT components use JavaScript frontend events. These events allow you to build custom user flows based on user interactions with the Web Components. Moreover, they trigger background processes and do not affect the user's flexibility to continue interacting with the product.

Events and Components where they are used

Event nameEvent dataTriggerWeb Component
invalidtokendata: Axios ErrorAfter pressing the Try Again button on the error screen when the token had expired.All components
handleBack-After the Back button was pressedApp Connector
handleNext-After the Next button was pressedApp Connector
startProcessingdata: {
bureauId: string;
companyId: string;
After calling the API method /api/v1/wc/credit-score/start-processingCredit Score Connector
handleBack-After the Back button was pressedCredit Score Connector
surveySubmitted-Indicate that the user has submitted the Create Your Company survey formCredit Score Connector